2. Apply without Exam fees

NOTE: We have recruited enough typists so we have Stopped New registrations at this time. Registrations will be re-started from 1st August. We are providing works to already registered typists.

Note: Last Date to Apply for Recruitment is 20th February.

As we have limited vacancies, so we have opened recruitment only for 15 days. (5th February to 20th February)

We are not recruiting everyday because We have to provide continuous works to already recruited Typists.

Note: Last Date to Apply for Recruitment was 19th January, 2024. New recruitment will be re-started from 5th February, 2024.

As we have enough Typist, we are not accepting New Applications at this time.

We have to provide continuous works to already recruited Typists.

We will restart Recruitment once we will receive more workflow from our clients.

New recruitment will be re-started from 5th February, 2024.

As we have enough Typist, we are not accepting New Applications at this time.

We have to provide continuous works to already recruited Typists.

We will restart Recruitment once we will receive more workflow from our clients.

NOTE: We have stopped New Recruitment at this time.

New Recruitment will be re-started from 24th August. We are providing works to already registered typists.

Note: At this time, we are taking applications only from Indian Citizens. If you are from outside of India, don’t submit your certificate.

Don’t submit edited certificates or certificates of others. We will generate Approval code only after verification from your certificate providing Institute.

Note: If you are submitting certificate from an institute which is not in our database, we will forward your certificate to allocated verification agency. They will verify Institutes which are not in our database, It may take more time in verification of new institutes.

If you do not possess a valid Accuracy Certificate and wish to know how to obtain one, please email us at advice@hireinglobal.in Our team will provide detailed instructions on the process along with examples of approved institutes.

Application without Exam fees is available if any if you have Typing accuracy certificate from any Registered Indian institute. (Typing accuracy Should be mentioned in certificate and exam should be given under supervision of institute)

If you are Indian then Send your typing accuracy certificate to join@hireinglobal.in

If you are from Other country then send your accuracy certificate to join@hireinglobal.com

Once our team check your certificate, they will provide new Approval Code.
And you have to fill this Application form using that provided approval code.

After submission of application form, Exam work and all instructions will be sent to you within 3 days of applying for recruitment Exam.

(80% accuracy required in institute Certificate. Self-taken Online Certificates are not valid.)

Points to note while writting email for Approval code:

Subject : Certificate submission for approval code from < your name>

In Email field write name of registered institute from where you received accuracy certificate. Also write your typing accuracy (which is mentioned in institute certificate.)

Note: Submit below given form if and if we have provided Approval ID to you.

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